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Life Lessons from the Gym

Learn the Mental Game of Transformation

This is a Message Of Hope

You’re trying hard to be the best you can possibly be, to be healthier, to be fitter, to be kinder, to accomplish more, but sometimes you just feel stuck or frustrated. Everyone feels this way at one time or another.

Mental strategies and techniques mastered in the gym hold many life skills that can be transferred to all areas of our lives. They can create a powerful transformation in our entire being that goes well beyond that small venue to design a life of personal happiness, joy, and fulfillment.
Transformation should lead to the same objective and have the same cause: to make a difference and leave the planet a better place. We all have a purpose and a contribution to make. Let’s get unstuck and make it. THIS is your new home… become your best self starting now!

Change Your Mind – Change Your Body – Change Your Life – Change Our Planet!

Life Transformation

It starts in the gym and it’s a mental game! Don’t be stuck or frustrated. Stop sabotaging yourself.

SUPER SENIORS - These People Can and So Can You

                                                    Visit their pages and read their stories

The Method

Why? Because 80/20 doesn’t work! Many “experts” say that fitness is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

Nope… not so! That equation ignores crucial reasons why so few people get the results they seek.

The real equation is 30% Psychological, 30% Nutrition, 20% Exercise and 20% Recovery.

We can’t ignore the other two critical components.


Mental Game







The Mental Game
THIS is IT! The Psychological element. Nail this component and your entire life will change when you transfer the strategies and techniques. (see Part 1 in the book – The Mental Game)

Yep, this one is important and quite crucial, but it’s not 80% of the equation, like the “experts” would have you believe. (see Part 2 in the book – Nutrition)

This is NOT an exercise site! However, there ARE plenty of excellent goodies in here that you just don’t want to miss. (see Part 3 in the book – Exercise)

Without proper recovery, it doesn’t matter how much or how well you workout, or how clean your nutrition plan is… you’re hooped! (see Part 4 in the book – Recovery)


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